It's been a crazy month and after finally sorting lots of intricacies, I can't believe I'm saying this... But I'm moving to New York City next month. I love London, but the allure of NYC is overwhelming. I cannot wait to move there in May.
April Fool's.
I wish that were true. Maybe one day...
🤓 What I've been doing
I hosted a pub crawl in Finsbury Park, about fifteen people turned up and it was a great success. England unfortunately lost to France in the game we watched, but everyone enjoyed themselves. And isn't that what ultimately matters?
Not much else - work, gym, bowling, ice cream. Not necessarily in that order.
👀 What I've been consuming
🎬 Dune: Part Two, Denis Villeneuve - What a film. Some of the most spectacular visuals I've seen in cinema. Particularly on the Harkonnen planet of Giedi Prime. While it differentiates from the books with Chani's plot (probably because of the star power of Zendaya) and the CHOAM (Star Wars made people care less about intergalactic trade), it's faithful to the book.
📺 Three Body Problem, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss - I loved the book and at first was disappointed that this show wasn't set in China, while it still retains the crucial part of the Cultural Revolution, it does differentiate from the book in how it handles the characters. The acting could be better but the plot was still aligned to that of the book and even covers some of the second. Highly recommend.
🔮 What's coming up
Tunisia! I'll be heading there with a friend from the US who I haven't seen in over a year.
On April 20th (blaze it) and 21st, I'll be participating in a Defence Tech hackathon, looking to build something that can help our military.
26th March, 2024 (In the nosebleeds at Wembley for the England v Belgium game)